Hello, and welcome to my personal blog! I want to take the time to thank you for giving my blog a look. I have chosen to start writing this blog to get writing back into my life during a challenging time in the world. Ever since I was a kid, I have loved entertainment. My love of movies, television shows, sports, video games and stories are what led me to pursue a career in creative content.
My life goal is to work in the film and television industry in production some day. Whether it can be in production, writing or post production remains to be seen. Attending college and film school led me to discover my passion for writing, as I began to write sketches, pilots and screenplays. I also briefly blogged in college for a class and found I surprisingly enjoyed it after dreading it at the beginning of my final semester. I find great joy in writing about things I feel passionately about!
So what will I write about? Pretty much anything that comes out of our entertainment culture. Movies, trailers, upcoming shows, casting news, reviews, you name it. I will also bring my point of view and feelings about the state of entertainment to to all of these things. Spoiler alert: I’m a massive follower of superhero content (films, television shows, graphic novels, video games, you name it) so expect to see that featured prominently! I’ll also touch on things that have had a profound effect on me in my life and keep you clued in on what I’m currently up to entertainment-wise. I will even take suggestions from readers or people I know about things I should try! I do my best to try new things, including movies or shows that I normally wouldn’t give a look to, and I’ve been surprised by what I have found.
So thank you again for taking the time to read my blog, I look forward to sharing this journey with all of you.
Stay tuned…